Thursday, June 16, 2022

Finding God in the Mess


Good morning!  I was encouraged to get back to blogging by circumstances.  It's a place to share thoughts, encouragement, inspiration, in the messiness of everyday life.

Life doesn't always go according to plan.  That goes without saying, doesn't it?  My kids in the past jokingly called me "Captain Obvious."  I like to make sure that my point, no matter how transparent, ia acknowledged by those I'm speaking to.  

Here we are, coming out of the mess of the pandemic, and life is not what we were expecting at this time.  If you, like me, thought that it would take weeks or even a few months, raise your hand!  I totally did not think that we'd still be using sneeze guards, wearing masks in public, and  'social distancing.'  But here we are, working our way to a new way of doing things. 

Look around the world today.  It is spiraling out of control.  Even those we expect to uphold the foundations of moral and ethical behavior are setting a low-bar.  We are constantly disappointed by those in authority.

Many today think that we can then not obey the authorities, that it's okay to go our own way.  We start to believe that God's word is not relevant for today.  Oh, my dear sisters, don't give in to this line of thought. God's word transcends the ages and He is able to relate that word at any time and place.  His word is ageless. 

I'd like to encourage you to read God's word and pray for wisdom.  James 1:5-7 encourages us to seek Godly wisdom, through faith, believing He will answer.  He promises stability for these uncertain times.  Hebrews 3:1-13 encourages us to keep our eyes on Jesus Who was faithful, so that we might also be counted faithful.  He writes later in Hebrews 11:6 that it is impossible to please God without faith.  

The world is whirling out of restraints.  It wants freedom, but true freedom and peace, hope and joy come with submitting ourselves to the Almighty God, Creator of Heaven and earth.  He promises us these things in abundance and a heavenly home, if we learn to love and trust Him completely.  

May God guide you as you seek after Him.  <3 



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