Saturday, June 18, 2011

Reasons as Christian Women to Be Cheerful and Joyful

Thank you to June Smith for giving me permission to share this post with you.

Christ Is With Us
But straightway Jesus spake unto them, saying, Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid. Matthew 14:27

This text is about a time when Jesus' disciples were out on in the middle of the sea and the waves were tossing them about and the wind was blowing. Sometimes our lives are like that, we are being tossed about by some trial or difficult time and the winds seem to be blowing about us. For the disciples, Jesus was near in their time of distress and when he got into the boat with them the sea calmed. In our times of distress are we looking to Jesus and asking him to get on board in our lives then the storms of life come?

"For if God be with us who can be against us?"Romans 8:31 What a cheerful thought that is to know that God is on our side. That is a thought that should fill us with joy. David, a small boy with a sling, had God on His side and for that reason he had confidence to go up against a mighty giant named Goliath. We have our Goliath's that we must defeat but with God on our side we can be confident and joyful.

Update on the Wallet

Now don't faint.  I know it's just been a few days since my last blog post.  But when God get's moving, things happen fast. Wedn...